Using Blast Bridge

How to deposit and withdraw assets using official Blast Bridge

You can use the Testnet bridge to get acquainted with the UI of the official Blast bridge. The official Blast Bridge on Mainnet operates in exactly the same way connecting to Ethereum Mainnet.

Deposit ETH from L1 to Blast

Follow the steps below to deposit your tokens from Goerli to Blast Testnet:

  1. Select the "Deposit" tab and enter the amount of $ETH you want to bridge over to Blast Testnet, Enter an amount to deposit and then click on the Deposit button at the bottom to proceed with token approval.

  1. Confirm your transaction on the Metamask

Once complete the balance will be reflected in your L2 testnet wallet.

Withdraw to L1

Follow the steps below to withdraw your tokens from Blast Testnet to Goerli:

  1. Select the "Withdraw" tab and enter the amount of $ETH you want to bridge over to Goerli, and then click on the "Withdraw" button at the bottom.

  2. Confirm your transaction on Metamask

  3. Once you initiate the withdrawal process, make sure to confirm the transaction using Metamask. Access the "View Withdrawals" menu

  4. Navigate to the "View Withdrawals" section in your account. Wait for the system to confirm the withdrawal status

  5. Patience is key. Allow the system some time to confirm the status of your withdrawal. Perform proof to confirm the withdrawal

  6. After the withdrawal status is confirmed, proceed to perform the necessary proof to validate the withdrawal. Wait for the challenge period and execute a claim to receive your ETH on L1

  7. Be patient during the challenge period. Once it concludes, execute the claim process to receive your ETH on the Layer 1 (L1) network.

Feel free to adjust the wording based on the specific context or terminology used in your guide.

Last updated